Video Gaming

Game Changing, Paradigm Changing Possibilities

BioPod™ Biometric Feedback for Enhanced Real-Time Communication and Competition for Gamers

BioPod™Technology may add a proprietary distinction and value proposition to the video game industry where direct communications and monitoring of gamer’s vitals adds an infinite number of game play possibilities where the game becomes reactive and dynamic in response to the data collected by BioPod™ Technology. This reactive component creates the ability for future gaming architecture to be fluid and provide an ever-changing gaming environment which extends the interest and playability of each game that incorporates BioPod™Technology into their programming architecture. Imagine a game that could change course simply based on the changing data from each user. This addition to options within a game provides powerful exponential possibilities to the challenges available in game play. Another additional possibility would be that a gamer’s vitals could be displayed within the game to ramp up the challenge between competing gamers. BioPod™ Technology provides a direct communications link between gamers and enthusiasts with "The BioPod™ Technology Community" through real-time encouragement and responses to individual and team players.

BioPod™ Technology Added Value improves "Motion Sensing" calculations while using "actual biomedical feedback for heart-rate, oxygen saturation, respiration, temperature, end-tidal CO2, etc., all with direct communications to the individual, those connected to the network, and the game itself. By offering a major point-of-differentiation over the existing algorithms, BioPod™ Technology offers the potential to make a quantum leap in video game development.  As a prominent video gaming industry executive and consultant recently stated, he "sees the value and importance of accurate and consistent measurement of biorhythms for enhanced game play and fitness performance".


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